Gonna go back in time.....

Gonna go back in time.....

Posted by Maxwell T. Manatee on Feb 21, 2020

We're going to play the hypothetical "IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN TIME" game.

Simple rules: 

1. We're not going to delve too deeply into the hypertechnomataphysicjargonology babble about the ripple that destroys humanity because you pulled the leg off a butterfly. Why would you go back in time and do that, anyway?

2. You cannot violate anyone else's negative rights while you're there. No coercive violence, murder, theft, fraud or slavery.

3. Remember, your Smartphone will be dumber than a rock without satellite or WiFi communication, but you can still show people what you have stored on it. (Don't forget to bring a charging cord.)

4. You cannot bring anything back to today that you didn't take with you into the past.

Question 1. What geographic location would you choose? Where would you go?


Question 2. What moment in the past would you choose?


Question 3. What's your motivation? What goals would you like to accomplish by going?                 

(Remember, rule 2 above.)


Send Max your answers and the best answer (according to nothing more, or less than this manatee's subjective opinion) will be awarded a Ronstan timepiece.


the time machine