Christmas is Coming.

Christmas is Coming.

Posted by Max on Oct 10, 2017


The older this siren gets, the faster it seems that Christmas sneaks up on me. All of the sudden, this old manatee finds himself in cold water and trying to frantically swim south at the last minute. By that time, the traffic's awful, all the good seagrass has been eaten, and the joyous season starts to be more like a chore. 

Strange as it may seem coming from someone who makes his living selling stuff, my first piece of advice is to put less emphasis on the material aspect of the holiday season. 

As my great uncle Snooty used to say, "It's better to have gifts, than receipts."

Well, okay, maybe uncle Snooty wasn't such a great philosopher, but still....

My second piece of advice is to set yourself a shopping goal, or more specifically, a cutoff date. Mark it on your calendar. I will be finished and will shop no more after November 22nd. I know, that's a tough one. I am always out there at the last minute still wondering what to get uncle Billfish.

Piece of advice #3: Once you've decided to take the stress out of the season, be pro-active. Shop on-line and early. Avoid the traffic, the crowds, and the madness. Be done with all that nonsense. By the time Thanksgiving arrives, be ready to hang lights, cook too much, eat too much, enjoy good fellowship, indulge yourself in the spirit of the season, and really be thankful.

....and #4: Make peace.

Manatee Max, Pearl, Coral and Bruce all hope this coming holiday season finds you. Yeah, I cut that off there on purpose because, I really hope this holiday season finds you. But, you might have to make yourself easy to find.