Green's my favorite flavor.
Posted by Max on Mar 17, 2017
Yes, the fine day when Manatees celebrate "th' eatin' of th' green." Well. Okay. We do that every day, but that's beside the point. The point is that I had a wee creative writing dry spell. It comes and goes. I did make a few pictures, though...
Here's a little aviation humor:
This one's for the art lovers:
This one's the great blizzard of 2017:
Any Monty Python fans out there?
And now for your St. Patrick's Day entertainment, I have a funny video. To be honest, I'm pretty sure this is scripted parody. It's still pretty funny {and a bit off color.}
Here's our Saint, Paddy Doyle:
You can adopt a manatee through
And, would it be St Patty's without a good brawl?
To keep with the theme, here are the perfect items for cooking up your famous Irish stew,
~Oh well, it looked good on paper.
Nothing beats cast iron. Pearl does almost all of her cooking exclusively on it. Some of our cast iron cookware is generations old, and they cook and clean up like brand new. Let me tell you from personal experience - if you keep your cast iron properly seasoned, which is not as magical as some folks make it out to be, clean up is easier than non-stick, you can use actual metal spatulas, and you get great cooking results. Accidentally burn dinner? You don't have to toss cast iron afterward. Scrub that puppy down, re-season it, and it's just like new again.