Flight School for Fletcher

Flight School for Fletcher

Posted by Max on Apr 26, 2018

Our son, Fletcher Morton, just turned 17. Some of you know this awesome musician and all 'round great kid, and for those who don't, we invite you to. 




Fletcher is multi-talented and has career interests in acting, music, computer animation, culinary arts, professional boat piloting and, of course, his love for aviation.

Like most parents, we want Fletcher to have a long, happy, healthy and successful life. And, as peaceful voluntaryists we believe that we can obtain the tools for Fletcher to succeed without coercive force, theft, or fraud. Liz works a full time 50+ hour a week job, and we operate two relatively new businesses of our own. Like too many productive people, we scrape by from payday to payday. We don't live an extravagant lifestyle. We live in an inexpensive rent house. The landlord hasn't raised our rent once in the 12 years we've been here, and we're thankful for that. I'm not sure how we'd come up with the difference if she did. We drive cheap old cars. The Miata is fun, but it's also 24 years old with over 200,000 miles on it, and the minivan that I use for Bryan's Car Service is a 2001. Every day they start, run and get us from A to B is a blessing. We are honest, hard working folks, but for all our efforts, it's not enough to afford the expense of flight training for Fletcher. The cost to get his private license will be about $10,000, and all the way through to a commercial pilot's license is about $70,000. We believe that people care, and that by and large, most folks joyfully share with others in need, (or, honestly, in our case, want very badly.)


So, I'm going to ask those of you who read this to do us a favor or two, to help us help Fletcher with this goal.

We would be very grateful if you were to share the link to this blog post. To achieve our $10,000 goal would take 10,000 generous folks willing to donate a dollar. Or just 2,000 good folks willing to part with five. Or just one exceptionally swell person with $10,000 just lying around. So, shares of this post are greatly appreciated.

Liz works for https://www.autogeek.net/ and makes a small commission on her sales. Buy yourself some boat, car or plane cleaning supplies and be sure to ask for Liz. Autogeek puts food on our table, pays the rent and keeps the lights on.

We have Manatee Max, our struggling, young, online retail store. We've been steadily trying to get Max off the ground. Those who've attempted a start up business know what the first years are like. The fact that Manatee Max will be 2 years old soon and still a viable business is a miracle (caused by Liz's hard work and persistence.)  Max could use more business. Check out all the items we have there and compare our prices and service to others. Your web site hits, shares, and patronage will help us make this happen.

If you're on Florida's Treasure Coast and need ground transportation, or know someone who may be, we have Bryan's Car Service, and just like Manatee Max, Bryan's could use web site hits, shares, positive Google reviews, patronage and (Maybe even a newer van one day).

Fletcher also performs, although it's been tough for him to get paying gigs on his own while also minding his school work, and being a normal kid. If you need live entertainment on or around the Treasure Coast, Fletcher is awesome*.

*Father's completely unbiased opinion.

Lastly, if you don't need live entertainment, a ride, or inexpensive outdoor recreational supplies, marine/RV parts or accessories, and you'd still like to help Fletcher go to flight school, you can donate directly to Fletcher's goal through Liz's PayPal or through  https://www.gofundme.com/flying-high-in-the-sky

Thank you very much for helping us make this happen.

Peace and prosperity,

Bryan, Liz, Fletcher and Bruce.